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X2GoClient Branding/Theming

X2GoClient can be branded/themed to match your Corporate Design/Corporate Identity. It is both possible to replace the entire background image of the X2GoClient login page, as well as to replace the icon in the lower left (however, the one in the lower right will always remain).

X2GoClient Command Line Parameters

The relevant command line parameters for X2GoClient are:

  • –branding=</path/to/filename.svg> to change the logo in the lower left (default: face of a baby seal)
  • –background=</path/to/filename.svg> to change the background (default: shades of blue fanning out to the right)
  • –support-menu=</path/to/filename.html> to add a Support… submenu item to X2GoClient's Help menu. The support information is provided via a simple HTML file. Example:
    <title>Support Information</title>
    <h1>In case of issues with this application:</h1>
    First, check the <a href=">Intranet Self-Help section on X2Go</a>.<br>
    If the issue persists, contact the helpdesk via:<br>
    Phone: +1 212 555-1234<br>
    E-Mail: <a href=""></a>
    Thank you for using X2Go today, take care, and goodbye!

Path names may be relative (starting with a dot and a slash) or absolute, or missing entirely.

On Windows, backslashes and drive letters may be used.

X2Go-TCE-Live Boot Parameters

In X2Go-TCE-Live, the parameters are named branding=<URL> and bg=<URL> and are passed to the client as boot parameters. Instead of a file path, these expect a URL. Currently, HTTP, HTTPS and FTP URLs are supported.

For a detailed description, see the corresponding section of the X2Go-TCE-Live documentation.

Example Screenshots/Files

The following is an example of both default background and default branding being replaced by custom SVGs:

This is an example of both default background and default branding being replaced by custom SVGs

wiki/advanced/branding-theming.1706296653.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/26 19:17 by stefanbaur